June 5, 2021

The water resource that gives us life

Water resources are a key factor in the origin and survival of life. Therefore, water is an essential element for all living beings, including man. Due to this importance, the United Nations has declared March 22 as "International Water Day".
November 9, 2019

Mobile phone and social progress

The mobile phone is known as an amazing device that can take over the whole world. This is not simple. The mobile phone is now known as the "smart" phone. It brings us knowledge and information based around the world. Making personal connections closer. Establishes professional and banking activities from their own home. The mobile phone has become a multi-function device.
July 10, 2019

Natural disasters are created by human.

Earth is the only living planet that shines brightly under the Sun moon and stars. Known as the Blue Planet, it is a beautiful human world full of trees and animals. Man on earth is only a small particle, a wonderful creation of nature.